The Importance of Face-to-Face Survey in the Evaluation of the Origins

Neha May 20, 2022

Suppose you start a business in Malaysia, a restaurant, and recruit the best suitable employees. People started coming in. Being an owner, you wanted to know the feedback of the place and the staff. What will you do? Create a survey form and ask the customers to complete it when making the payment. 

What questions would you prefer to add to your survey to understand the customer's feedback? The questions could include how does the food taste? How was the service? Would you like to revisit it? And they could be in the form of ratings (ranging from 1 to 5; where strongly agreed is five and strongly disagreed is 1) or multiple-choice questions (yes or no, very best or poor, etc.).  

A face-to-face survey collects data from people in which the study sample is involved to take the feedback personally. It includes observing the behavior and responses of the participants to obtain more information. Although, technology has made it easy to collect data with online surveys. 

However, face-to-face surveys are still one of the best ways to obtain precise, focused, and concrete information from clients. It is one of the preferred methods by many data researchers because it provides them with the context of the sample population. Also, in the face-to-face surveys, the set of questions is prepared in advance, giving the participants a long time to fill it. 

The questions in the surveys can be either open-ended or close-ended. The close-ended questions could be multiple-choice questions, such as Likert scales, dichotomous, rank order scales, etc., depending on the nature of the business. The closed-ended questions help you provide quantifiable data like frequency and percentage of the respondent. 

At the same time, open-ended questions help collect qualitative data, and it helps organize the narrative responses. These questions often start with "what," "why," "how," etc., and the answer depends on the enthusiasm, interest, and literacy level of the participant. However, the best digital marketing agency will help you form questions depending on your business's nature.

Types of Face-to-Face Survey

  • Surveys in Public Spaces: One of the easiest ways to get face-to-face surveys is in open and crowded spaces. You could conduct short surveys in public places like theatres, malls, food courts, or tourist spaces, and you could ask people in the crowd to fill out your survey form. 
  • Door-to-Door Survey: In this type of survey, you can collect responses by visiting people's houses. You could either interview on the spot or fix a date to schedule the interview in a door-to-door survey. 

Advantages of Conducting Face-to-Face Survey

  • Collects Accurate Response: When conducting a face-to-face survey, people don't lie about their basic information like age, gender, or location to get some incentive. Instead, people are keen to participate in the face-to-face surveys that provide the researcher with more detailed answers from the participant.
  • Observe Participant's Behaviour: The face-to-face survey lets you check the verbal and non-verbal responses of the participants. You can see their behavior and analyze their responses. Observing gives a deeper insight to the interviewer about a person's interests, and you can judge the person's interest or enthusiasm through their body language.


  • Increased Response Rate: The branding consultant in Malaysia would give you ways to improve customer service by analyzing their responses. The more the answers, the better it is for the firm. In face-to-face surveys, the researchers would always get a high response rate. The participants get the time to check out the product and verify the process before undertaking surveys.
  • Long Survey Responses: The face-to-face survey lets the participant stay focused during the entire process. However, there might be other distractions in other methods that could be getting in the way of participants.
  • Flexibility to Dig Deeper: The interviewer could dig deeper when he feels that a topic requires a deep discussion with the face-to-face survey. During a deep conversation, a respondent is likely to give a piece of valuable information that might help in improvising the products or services.

Tips for Conducting Face-to-Face Surveys

  • When conducting a face-to-face survey, be confident and make people comfortable. They'll talk and help you with the survey.
  • The face-to-face survey is time-consuming, and you might need to think about the budget. But it always gives impeccable results in knowing the customer's experience and helps the brand.
  • Make the survey as smooth as possible and always respect people's time. 
  • Connect with the participants because that is how they will give you honest answers. Make them love your project/product/service, and they'll answer sincerely.
  • Use the right data collection tool that could be either online or offline to conduct the face-to-face survey. Make sure the information is accurate enough.

Why is Conducting Face-to-Face Surveys Important?

To conduct the best marketing in Malaysia for your brand, a face-to-face survey would be an appropriate step. It helps you know the participants' context, and you can dig deeper into the responses obtained. This survey method is prevalent despite the cost and time consumed. The reason is simple: it gives truthful and specific answers from the customers. 

When the survey analysis is done, it helps you find relationships, trends, or patterns. It means you could compare your information with that of other groups and conclude properly. Effective & Efficient analysis leads to accurate interpretation of qualitative and quantitative data.

Surveys are an essential part of any business to growth, and it is a way in which companies do their customer relationship management. Through surveys, you could always find out what customers want, are they satisfied with the services, the factors that affect a brand, etc. 

The best way to handle customer relationship management in Malaysia is by connecting with Laurea People's Signature. Their expertise in conducting surveys, analyzing the feedback, and taking testimonials from the customer. So, if you want to survey for your company to know what people think about it, they are your one-stop solution.

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