Why This Is The Time For Artificial Intelligence

Why This Is The Time For Artificial Intelligence
Admin May 28, 2023


We all like playing games on our phones but do we know how it is possible to play a game which can be just played by 2 people and it has become possible for one person to play that game against a computer and further that computer is making decisions in the game similar to a human. How is it possible? It is possible because of the technology which is called Artificial Intelligence.

Nowadays this technology is being trending immensely and it is being used in everything from mobiles to work machines.

What is Artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is a software which has been developed for making machines think and work like humans. It's a human cognitive software as it helps machines to perform various functions like understanding and interpreting of speeches, playing games and identification of patterns like humans. 

This process is done through processing of data from huge amounts of data and looking for patterns to know how decision making is being made.

This technology has been developed by Geoffrey Hinton and he is also called the father of Artificial intelligence.

If you also have interest in Artificial intelligence you can write us a blog post on Ai Write For Us by clicking on link technews23.com.

Features bought by Artificial Intelligence in our life:-

Artificial intelligence has bought various features in our life such as follows:-

  • Siri: Feature like Siri on the iPhone where you just have to give instructions from your voice by saying “Hey Siri” and it will perform various tasks of yours like connecting a call, declining a call, playing music and so on.
  • Alexa: Alexa is another example of artificial intelligence which performs activities like playing music, playing movies, changing movies and so on by just saying “Alexa play”.
  • Voice enabled GPS: This feature is available in a lot of cars these days for the convenience of the driver in searching the way and driving without any other interruption in between. In this feature one just needs to say the destination name with the option available and it will help you reach there.
  • Robot: Artificial intelligence has made robot machines which can perform work like humans. In developed countries like Japan there are robot machines who perform household tasks of the people or tasks like serving in hotels as a waiter and so on.
  • Vacuum cleaner: This comes with a feature where cleaning can be done with efficient help of cleaning the entire space by the instructions given.
  • Video games: Artificial Intelligence feature is quite prominent in video games as these games are played by the computer without any end user for one side as per the decision taken by another person who is actually playing. This feature allows people to have a computer as their perfect competitor while playing games.

There are many more examples of Artificial intelligence but above few are also enough in understanding the important aspect of Artificial Intelligence in our life.